داستان آبیدیک

correctional institution


1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: نهاد اصلاحی

My undergraduate social theory professor suggested I go down to the prison, Lebanon Correctional Institution, in southern Ohio, two hours south of Columbus. While all my friends were attending happy hour. 1 was heading to the prison to spend Friday evening teaching the men at Lebanon Correctional Institution. ft,end who taught at Lebanon Correctional Institution with me that t.rst "m. met. 1 started taking students on held trips to Wade and to the Louisiana Correctional Institution for Women at St. Historically, the South did not follow the pattern of penitentiary, reformatory, correctional institution, community corrections, and warehousing, which is the traditional development of imprisonment found in most introductory corrections textbooks.

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